Funding / Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

The Office for Coastal Management’s competitive grant announcements can be found on by searching under the following federal assistance listing numbers:

Table 1.0: Open or Recent NOAA Grant Announcements

Grant Opportunities Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)

(posted on
Dates of Interest
Letters of Intent or Pre-applications Proposal Deadline Earliest Start Date
2025 funded NOFOs
NOAA-wide announcement FY 2025 to FY 2026 NOAA Broad Agency Announcement. The notice requests proposals for special projects and programs associated with NOAA's strategic plan and mission goals. This broad agency announcement is a mechanism to encourage research, education and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships that are not addressed through NOAA competitive discretionary programs. It is not a mechanism for awarding congressionally directed funds. Funding for potential projects in this notice is contingent upon the availability of appropriations. N/A 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, September 30, 2026 If found meritorious, generally three to six months after submission

All deadlines are 11:59 p.m. Eastern time unless noted

Table 2.0: Archive of selected NOAA competitive notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs).

Information about NOAA Office for Coastal Management grants. (pdf)
Electronic grants management systems required to apply for and receive grant funds. (pdf)
Application notifications and submissions. (pdf)