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Coastal Management Fellowship

2001-2003 Fellowship Project Summaries

Delaware: Bonnie Willis from the University of South Carolina worked with mentors Dave Carter and Kim Cole at the Delaware Coastal Programs on a project entitled, "Tracking and Monitoring System for Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program." Bonnie developed a system for tracking nonpoint pollution control activities, created a method for analyzing the effectiveness of the coastal nonpoint pollution control program on water quality control, and began the long-term collection of data about program areas requiring improvements.

Maine: Pete Slovinsky from the University of South Carolina worked on a project entitled, "Creating a Sustainable Beach Community at Camp Ellis, Maine." Working with mentor Steve Dickson in the Maine Geological Survey office, Pete developed beach nourishment policy recommendations for the state and created a hazard mitigation plan. He also evaluated sources of sand for beach nourishment.

Michigan: Kate Ardizone from the Indiana University School of Public & Environmental Affairs worked within the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Land and Water Management Division to create a publication entitled, "Filling the Gaps: Environmental Protection Options for Local Governments." Working with co-mentors Cathie Cunningham and Mark Wyckoff, Kate was tasked with all phases of the guidebook, including research, development, and final composition. She also developed a dissemination strategy for the guidebook.

New Jersey: Chris Boelke from the University of Rhode Island worked with mentor Ruth Ehinger and the New Jersey Coastal Zone Management office on a project entitled, "Ocean Resource Management," an in-depth review and assessment of the state's coastal zone management program. Chris was responsible for defining ocean governance as it applies specifically to New Jersey and developed an implementation strategy for the approved coastal zone management program.

Pennsylvania: The fellow from the University of Delaware worked within the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office for River Basin Cooperation on a project entitled, "Expanding the Pennsylvania Sea Grant Program Through State and Regional Approaches in Aquatic Nuisance Species and Fish Consumption Advisories." Working with co-mentors John Booser and John Hines, Kirstin developed a comprehensive exotic aquatic species program and fish consumption education initiative.

South Carolina: Frank Lopez from the University of North Carolina worked with mentor Joe Fersner in the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management on a project entitled, "Stormwater Management System Inspection Program." The project included assessment of current stormwater management procedures, legal analysis of maintenance and inspection requirements, baseline field inspections of systems, and fiscal analysis of inspection programs.