Applying Federal Consistency
A federal agency provides a state with a consistency determination for federal agency activities affecting coastal uses or resources. A non-federal applicant for a federal license or permit provides a state with a consistency certification if the state has identified the federal license or permit on a list of activities subject to federal consistency review in its federally approved coastal management program. A lead state agency performs federal consistency reviews and is usually the same agency that implements or coordinates the state’s coastal management program.
At the federal level, NOAA interprets the CZMA and oversees the application of federal consistency. NOAA also provides management and legal assistance to coastal states, federal agencies, tribes, and others and mediates CZMA-related disputes. NOAA’s Office of the General Counsel, Ocean and Coasts Section, processes federal consistency appeals to the Secretary of Commerce.
The "Federal Consistency Overview" and the NOAA "Federal Consistency Regulations" (15 C.F.R. part 930) provide detailed information on federal consistency and the consistency process.
- Federal Consistency Quick Reference – May 2018
- Federal Consistency Basics Online Training
- Understanding Enforceable Policies Online Training
- Federal Consistency Training History – May 2019
- CZMA Mediations – February 2018
The following issues of the Federal Consistency Bulletin are available:
- Issue No. 1 ‒ January 1993
- Issue No. 2 ‒ August 1993
- Issue No. 3 ‒ June 1994
- Issue No. 4 ‒ February 1996
- Issue No. 5 ‒ April 1997
For more information, contact us.